Our current labor rate is $143 /hr.
If you are an active WCCA member, you will receive 10% off.
If you made it onto our waiting list before our grand opening celebration on June 1st, 2023, then you will be receiving our introductory rate of only $100/hr.
We are willing to provide a ball park guess for free on most jobs, but these are just guesses based on prior experience. Every car is different, especially as they get on in age. This is a tool just to help you know if you want to think about doing a certain project on your vehicle, or if you should focus your finances someplace else.
A more accurate price estimate is something every customer deserves, but it’s hard to give until we start digging into the project. Our goal is to deep dive quickly and be able to give you a reasonable estimate (or complete the project) before we hit five hours of labor. If you choose not to complete the project after receiving an estimate, we will put it back together for you and you won’t be charged more than five hours plus taxes and fees.
Due to the nature of custom and classic vehicles, there is no book time or standard procedure for us to look up. We bill by the hour. However long it takes to do the job right, is how long you will get billed for. That said, we do try very hard to make our estimates as accurate as possible and keep you updated with unforeseen circumstances as they arise.
We believe that clear communication is key to successfully meeting customer expectations. To that end, we will strive to contact all active customers at the end of every work week to keep them up to date with progress and costs.
For larger projects, we will ask to be paid for work completed every month. This helps us remain financially stable and prevents you from getting hit with a large bill that you may not be prepared to pay.
Customers have two weeks to pay each statement/invoice or we will halt all work and begin charging storage fees, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon.
We require money up front for purchasing any parts that total over $500.
Payment is due in full when picking up a vehicle.
We will attempt to match our quality of work with the existing quality on a vehicle unless the customer requests otherwise.
For vehicles still in the build process, we offer three levels of workmanship:
Cool Old Car - everything is safe and functioning properly. Looks are secondary.
Show Driver - aesthetics are equally as important as safety and functionality.
Trailer Queen - We start with looks, then compromise back until it works the way it should. Please note that giving a reasonable estimate for work performed at this level is nearly impossible and we won’t insult you by trying.